05/04/02 11:46:06
System hardware and Versions Serial Numbers
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To just print out the info use
hwconfig | lp -dprintername     Prints out the hardware configuration
swconfig | lp -dprintername      Prints out all of the software installed

         shows you the hardware that is installed on your display   
swconfig          shows you all of the software installed on your display

cri386 #hwconfig
name=fpu vec=13 dma=- type=80387
^^^^^^^Cpu type
name=serial base=0x3F8 offset=0x7 vec=4 dma=- unit=0 type=Standard nports=1
name=serial base=0x2F8 offset=0x7 vec=3 dma=- unit=1 type=Standard nports=1
^^^^^^^Serial Ports coma comb also known as tty1A or tty1a, com1 and tty2B or tty2b, com2.
name=floppy base=0x3F2 offset=0x5 vec=6 dma=2 unit=0 type=96ds15
^^^^^^^51/4 floppy  knows as /dev/install
name=floppy vec=- dma=- unit=1 type=135ds18
^^^^^^^31/2 floppy knows as /dev/install1 if only have a 31/2 inch it is /dev/install
name=console vec=- dma=- unit=mono type=2 12 screens=68k
name=parallel base=0x278 offset=0x2 vec=5 dma=- unit=0
^^^^^parallel card knows as  /dev/lp
name=adapter base=0x1C88 offset=0x8 vec=14 dma=- type=dpt ha=0 id=7 Primary, Bus
^^^^^scsi adapter
name=eisarom vec=- dma=- eisa (1.3.0)
^^^^^eisa mother board
name=epca base=0x3005 offset=0x0 vec=- dma=- mem=0x000E0000 ports=16 EISA X(e)m
^^^^^digi boards multi i/o boards rs232 db25 or rj45 and can be 9 pin.
name=sme base=0x240 offset=0x1F vec=10 dma=- type=8416BTio addr=00 e0 29 13 0162 ^^^^^^^^network card                                                                      ^mac address
name=tape vec=- dma=- type=S ha=0 id=2 lun=0 ht=dpt < tape drive known as /dev/rStp0
name=disk vec=- dma=- type=S ha=0 id=0 lun=0 ht=dpt fts=d boot disk /
name=Sdsk vec=- dma=- cyls=515 hds=65 secs=63
If what you are looking for  is not listed, it is probley not working.

uname -X gives you system name ,verisons and number of users
cri386 #uname -X
System = cri386
Node = cri386
Release = 3.2v4.2
KernelID = 93/04/28
Machine = i80486
BusType = EISA
Serial = 2BE003229
Users = 16-user
OEM# = 0
Origin# = 1
NumCPU = 1

df -v                Shows disk space
cri386 #df -v
Mount Dir Filesystem blocks      used         free      %used
/                 /dev/root    2062648 1667208 395440 80%
                                                                                ^^ 95 % or higher your disk is getting full!

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Directory and file hints and tips

l                  Long file listing
drwxr-x---       2   pierce         group                32 Jun 29 09:47             uod
-rw-r-----        1   pierce         other        1474560 Dec 07 1998             uod426c.v1
-rw-r-----        1   pierce         other        1474560 Dec 07 1998              uod426c.v2
drwxr-x---       2   pierce         group                 32 May 17 1998            wastebasket
drwxr-x---       2   pierce         group               320 Sep 21 08:24             web
^d directory           ^owner        ^the group       ^size       ^creation date  ^name

lc                      Short file listing
ls -al                 
Shows hidden files that start with a .filename

chmod                Changing the owner of a file or directory

chown pierce filename         

chgrp                  Change the group that a file or directory belongs to

chgrp other filename                 

chmod               Changing the mode file a file {permissions}
The following command gives all users execute permission for file:
chmod +x file
The following command removes read and write permission for group and
others from file:
chmod go-rw file
The following command gives other users read and write permission for file:
chmod o+rw file
The following command gives read permission to group and others:
chmod g+r,o+r file
The following command gives all users read, write and execute permission for file:
chmod 0777 file
The following command gives read and write permission to all users for file:
chmod 0666 file
The following command gives read and write permission to the owner of file only:
chmod 0600 file

Removing a file or directory
Please do not remove any thing, if you do not know what it is used for. Do not know, DONOT TOUCH!!! Once you remove it, it is gone! I like to do daily level 0 backups!{unscheduled}

rm        Removes file or directories, you have to own the file or directory.
rm filename

rm -r directoryname

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