Installing fPserver:

license.fpserver encryption file

In order for fPserver to launch correctly, you must get the correct copy of you fPserver license.fpserver file from our web site: Your fPserver software is keyed to the IP address, Port # and number of concurrent connections you purchased.

When you visit our web site be sure to have handy the serial number of the 5.0 software you are running with fPserver, as well as the e-mail address and number of concurrent connections you specified when you ordered your copy of fPserver. Simply fill in the correct information including the IP address and the port # you are going to use. Be carefull at this point: Once you enter the IP address and port number the resulting license.fpserver file will be locked to that IP address, Port and Maximum Concurrent Connection count. You will not be able to re-generate a new license.fpserver file without contacting fP Technologies sales. Download the license_fpserver file into your fp/fpserver/lib directory.

Copyright 2000, fP Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved

These documents are covered under the terms and conditions of the fP Technologies, Inc. Program License Agreement

rev. 11/28/2000